System Strengthening

We can solve the learning crisis by working to strengthen the government education system

We support state governments to develop high-quality teaching and learning materials, improve training quality as well as build their capacity for working on these dimensions independently.

16.2 million

Students Reached

8 States

MOUs with state governments. of Assam, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tripura and Uttar Pradesh


Teachers Reached


Achieving impact at scale requires systems at state and district levels to change

We strengthen government institutions to develop and implement these statewide solutions. We build capacity through workshops, training programs and demonstrating good practices to ensure that state agencies can work on FLN solutions on their own.


State-wide Teacher Training

We co-create an annual teacher professional development plan, along with government institutions, which includes

  • Short online courses
  • Face to Face workshops
  • Monthly cluster-level peer meeting
  • Whatsapp-based resources

We support state governments in reform initiatives like developing improved pre-service teacher education programs using data at all levels to:

  • Help improve FLN program implementation
  • Build capacity of state institutions like State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), and State Resource Groups

Classroom Teaching and Learning Material

With our support, state governments have developed classroom teaching and learning materials

  • Workbooks for studentsthat help 16.2 million of children practice newly learned concepts and skills.
  • Teacher guide and handbooks  – clear and targeted daily lesson plans that help 856,000 teachers teach in a structured manner
  • Print rich materials for classrooms – conversation charts, picture story/poem posters in x classrooms for children to actively interact with.

Training the Trainers/ Mentors

We co-create tools and methods that help mentors support teachers

  • By conducting classroom observations and share meaningful and specific feedback with teachers to help improve teaching practices

Create a comprehensive student assessment

  • We create a comprehensive assessment architecture, with a focus on school-based assessments, that include competency-based assessment to help teachers identify gaps in learning and strategise child centric solutions for learning improvement.

Co-created materials have changed the way teachers have approached their curriculum.

Since introducing the Teacher Guide in Uttar Pradesh, Head Teacher Satyendra Tripathi from Rameshwar First Primary School in Varanasi began to approach teaching the curriculum in a very different way.

“Previously, teachers would follow textbooks in a linear manner. This meant that they taught concepts as in the textbook, in the same order within the book. If students missed any classes it was difficult for them to catch up with the rest of the class. Since lessons were taught without a clear plan and structure, it was harder for them to revisit a concept that was taught earlier. Now, there is ample opportunity for students to revisit and revise earlier concepts as they are all interconnected”

The revised curriculum allows for multiple checks for understanding, which is very different from linear format rote learning. It has helped teachers and students understand and master the topics and content. 

“Our teachers go through 4-5 day intensive training to learn to use the teaching guide. This gives us a lot of clarity on what to teach, when and how. We are able to ensure students are actually understanding the concepts being taught instead of rote memorization since the lessons in the guide also include activities for students.”  

UP has made big strides in the implementation of NIPUN (National Initiative for Proficiency in Reading with Understanding and Numeracy) Bharat. LLF's support to SCERT and Samagra Shiksha has been instrumental in developing workbooks and teacher guides which are being used by teachers and
children in 113,000 primary schools. The teacher guides developed with LLF support give direction to teachers on what to teach, when and how. This helps students to grasp concepts better instead of just rote learning. Moreover, teacher training organised with LLF support is helping teachers master teaching techniques, which is beginning to improve learning outcomes in classrooms.The resource materials shared in the course are useful for my classroom. There are good readings and videos. I liked the self-evaluation part in the modules which helps to evaluate myself and confirm my understanding.”

Mr. Vijay Kiran Anand Director General, School Education,Government of Uttar Pradesh

Language is the base for all learning. Therefore, the a major focus in primary grades should be to develop strong language skills in children. This course provides teachers with many ways to develop language and literacy skills without a prescriptive design. It is left to teachers to decide which strategies and activities are best suited to their classroom children and situation.


Discussion fora, calls, project work, self-reading and self-assessment kept us busy throughout the course, giving us the opportunity to expand our understanding. Behind all of this is efficient management, thorough research, use of technology and complete dedication of the LLF team. The course has also helped me to influence language teaching of fellow teachers in the district through professional learning communities.



By 2027, we will impact 35 million children by influencing classroom practices of more than 2 million teachers and teacher educators

Your support can help us achieve this mission